Twist TeamJun 9, 2023New World OrderThere Is A Sophisticated Disinformation Campaign Targeting The U.S. PopulaceHighly advanced aircraft of unknown origin have been flying around in our skies for a long time, and now a whistleblower has come forward...
Twist MemberOct 18, 2022Mystery CreaturesDid We Just Witness Some Sort Of A Supernatural Phenomenon On The Temple Mount?Whenever something unusual happens on the Temple Mount we should pay attention, and it appears that something extremely unusual may have...
Twist TeamJul 3, 2022Mystery CreaturesWhy Are So Many Extremely Bizarre “Mystery Creatures” Starting To Appear All Over The Planet?Have you noticed that there have been a lot of stories about “unexplained creatures” in the news lately? Normally I don’t pay much...
Twist TeamMay 17, 2022UFOA Great Delusion Of Epic ProportionsWill The First Public UFO Hearing In Congress In 50 Years Help Set The Stage For A Great Delusion Of Epic Proportions? Why have they...